7-Arrow-Sunday: Food Adjacent
Food adjacent snippets like the truth of American Cheese and the best way to cook your popcorn.
WS - 7-Arrow Sunday
SAS > 2022-10-16
1. Half Popped 🍿

I can’t get enough of these crunchy half-popped pieces at the bottom of the popcorn bowl. So it’s my delight to show off this magnificent–albeit annoying–method of cooking popcorn:
The Recipe
- Boil your popcorn kernels for 35-45 minutes. I’d suggest starting with a small batch around a cup.
- Let the kernels completely dry. It will take at least three hours.
- Lastly, pop the soaked kernels using your preferred method (microwave, stove, etc.).
By soaking the kernels in water and leaving them to dry, we lower the pressure required to break their hulls. Doing so creates small and crunchier pieces.
Aren’t they just beautiful? If you can handle crunchy food, I can’t suggest them enough as a snack full of fiber.
If you need help, please check out my reference: Popping With Mio - Half-Popped Popcorn. Mio provides all popcorn needs.
Furthermore, I’ve found the soaked kernels to have a significantly reduced shelf life before they begin to mold. So, if– like me–you’re unable to store them safely, use them sooner than later.
2. Pasteurized Processed American Cheese Food? (PPACF)

PPACF is the FDA’s label for a product commonly known as American Cheese. Any product labeled with PPACE must contain at least 51% cheese.
However, everybody knows us Americans like it cheap, easy, and worse, so Kraft Singles created Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Product (PPCP) as that alternative while referring to it as the same product, American Cheese.
Though PPCP may contain cheese (< 50%), it’s not cheese.
If you’d like to learn more about the origin of American Cheese, which isn’t American anyways, I direct you to watch American Cheese Isn’t Cheese by Atomic Frontier. However, I understand if you’ve lost all interest in the product. I certainly have.
3. Purge The Blood

The great secret of the meat industry has been revealed: it’s not blood! That red liquid is nothing more than water with a bit of red dye (myoglobin).
The Bloody Details
The meat industry calls it purge–I find meat juice the more appropriate term. It’s also the same liquid that’s released from the meat while cooking, and we all know it is damn delicious.
My reference also refers to an unjustified taboo against this red water. Both the Torah and Quran of the Jewish and Muslim religions, respectively, have a taboo against blood; however, this technically isn’t blood. And, if it was blood, it originates from the meat, so you’re eating it regardless.
I say that while I have no religious reasons against blood; however, I have nothing else to say. There’s no takeaway here. It’s just trivia to somebody like me.
4. A Cutless Can Opener
Do you need a new can opener? In that unlikely case, you best learn about the latest in can opener technology. I present to you the best invention of the 1980s!
The “Safety Can Opener” In Comparison
Perks as follows:
- + No sharp edges to cut you! (The cut edge faces the bottom.)
- + Zero risk of the lid falling into the can!
- + The can opener doesn’t contact your food and therefore requires minimal cleaning.
- + Once removed, there is no lip left in the lid preventing food extraction.
- + The lid can be placed back on the can; though notably without a way to reseal it.
And the meh downsides:
In No Conclusion
Why would you not want to purchase this can opener? I’d have ten if I had the cash.
Jokes aside, please check out my reference, Technology Connection. Without him, I may have actually purchased a desperately needed can opener, but now the decision paralysis has taken over.
5. White vs. Brown… Eggs

There’s a reason for the color of a chicken egg, and it’s not some conspiracy about food processing. Generally, the color is determined by a chicken’s breed (^). Brown chickens lay brown eggs, and white chickens lay white.
More Random Egg Facts:
- ^ Egg cartons list sizes like Large, Extra Large, or Jumbo. These refer to the weight of the eggs rather than their size. It’s not as if a giant hen lays them.
- ^ Processed eggs go through washing to remove blemishes; however, this also destroys a protective barrier called the cuticle, thus reducing their self-life and explains why eggs are kept below 45°F or ~7°C.
- ^ The packing date of an egg carton is listed by Julian day, where each number represents a day of the year. (I.e., `1` equals Jan. 1st, and 365 equals Dec. 31st.)
P.S. Please note, though this likely has broader relevance, this information refers to eggs packed in the USA. Eggs are not usually refrigerated outside the USA.
6. Arguably Obsolete Radioactive Fire Alarms

When last were your smoke alarms tested? Maybe you knocked it off the kitchen ceiling. I would totally never do that, but maybe it annoyed you by–as a random example–alarming every time you used my–your stove or toaster.
However, did you consider that you may have the wrong type of smoke detector? In some regions, you can find two types of detectors for sale: the original method of a RADIOACTIVE ionization chamber and a newer one that uses a bit of light detection like we humans do (photoelectric).
The radioactive Americium-241 isn’t dangerous, yet a part of me feels it is a little excessive. Here’s a quick comparison:
- The Radioactive Ionization Chamber:
- + Gave us a good book: The Radioactive Boy Scout by Ken Silverstein.
- ~ It’s quick to detect active flames like your oven, stove, toaster, car exhaust, or life-threatening fire.
- - Doesn’t always detect smoldering fires, which is a grave fire hazard!
- - Is–albeit slightly–radioactive. Need I say more?
- The Normal Photoelectric Chamber:
- + Quickly detects smoldering fires.
- + Rarely triggers a false alarm.
- - Slowly detects active flames.
My comparison is in favor of photoelectric alarms; however, not all relevant authorities make a preference. It would be reasonable to have both, but generally, I agree that the latter should be preferred.
If you’re looking to further educate yourself, please check out my reference: There are two types of smoke alarm. One of ’em ain’t so good. by Technology Connections.
7. Cucumber Wax

Cucumbers are fruit & arguably a melon. Deal with that how you will, but on a more important note: I wouldn’t be eaten that melons skin. At least, if you’re buying spikeless cucumbers.
Yes, they have spikes (^) but are washed away before sale. However, the process also removes the natural waxy coating from the fruit, which has to be replaced–or else it rot–by some unfortunately gross alternative. The new wax is considered safe but not exactly tasty.
TLDR: skin your unwrapped spikeless cucumbers. (Plastic wrap can be used to replace the waxy coating.)
Cucumber Factoids
- ^ Cucumbers are definitely a melon.
- ^ Bread crust and melons share a common flavor: cucumber aldehyde.
- ^ Cucumbers contain a poison called cucurbitacin.
- ^ Pickling cucumbers makes them less poisonous.
- ^ Check out these exploding cucumbers (ecballium elaterium). Just click the link.
For the cucumber aficionados out there, I highly suggest looking at my reference in full.
A huge thanks to my references. Without them, I’d be a tad more ignorant. You all have my gratitude:
# | Author | Title | Link |
1 | Popping With Mio | Half-Popped Popcorn | ^ |
2 | The Food Theorists | Food Theory: My Grilled Cheese Sandwich Just Set A World Record | ^ |
3 | Adam Ragusea | Why people wash meat (or don’t) | ^ |
4 | Technology Connections | Lessons from a Can Opener | ^ |
5 | Epicurious | Which Eggs Should You Buy? \ Fine Print \ Epicurious | ^ |
6 | Technology Connections | There are two types of smoke alarm. One of ’em ain’t so good. | ^ |
7 | Adam Ragusea | Cucumbers are melons, and sometimes they explode | ^ |
Furthermore, I’d like to thank the creators of all the artwork utilized:
# | Author | Title (CC) | Link |
1 | Popping With Mio | Half-popped popcorn | ^ |
2 | WikiData | Kraft Singles [Edited] | ^ |
3 | Christian | Flank Steak | n/a |
4 | Anna Shvets | Eggs close up | ^ |
6 | Pixabay | Red Fire Alarm Switch during Nighttime | ^ |
7 | Wikipedia | Ecballium elaterium | ^ |
Family Meal
It’s relieving to release this newsletter after all this time. I love finding little tidbits of information, yet using it is another story.
I’ve begun this newsletter to help me remember, validate, and make the best of the information. And, if I’m lucky, maybe some brilliant chaps will send me some cool bits of their knowledge (@ohm_uni
on Twitter).
Thanks for reading.